Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ramadhan Plans

Hashir is not yet two and is in the phase where he copies us all the time and the tantrums are appearing too. So Ramadhan is a good time to take advantage of his inclination to do what we elders do and to divert his energy from tantrums to something useful.  Activities for Hashir will revolve around the activities we do. Here is the plan which I have come up with to give him the feel of Ramadhan as being a special month.

Developing good habits and manners

·        This Ramadhan we will be working on developing Self-control in Hashir according to his age and capacity. The focus will be mainly on eating habits and etiquettes by following the Sunnah insha’Allah. Over eating, food wastage, junk food will be discouraged. Practicing patience when hungry while the food is being prepared will build self-control. This goal can be achieved by diverting his attention because the attention span is short at this age (this works with Hashir). When he see any soft drink, chips or biscuits at home or if some other kid is eating them, he wants to have it right then and there. There are times when we have to face tantrums so insha’Allah we will deal with this issue.
·        Tahara and cleanliness will also be observed and the habit of it will be encouraged.  Hashir is currently using tooth brush mostly and sometimes miswaak but inshaAllah in Ramadhan we will be using Miswaak only and getting into habit of it from then on.  
·        We will be practicing the Sunnah of Spreading Salaam more then before in this blessed month. The Prophet Salalahu aliehi wasalim used to offer Salaam to children to teach them manners of greeting and this raises a child self esteem. You can read more from here 
·        Smiling often considering this sunnah in mind as Smile is sadaqa .  I will be doing this Sadaqa often in Ramadaan and insha’Allah Hashir will follow. See link. Being cheerful and smiling often is difficult for a toddler’s mom but we will practice it and master it bi izn Allah.
·        To develop the habit of sharing and giving others, we will be making a sadaqa jar and also Hashir will make some goodie bags as a gift for the kids in our family and neighbours.

·        Going to the masjid and listening to taraweeh.
·        Preparing for Jummah prayer and following the sunnah of Friday. i.e. Cutting nails, taking shower, applying attar (perfume without alcohol), wearing clean clothes and listening to Surah Kahf.
·        Salah position cards activity from here. Hashir will try to practice the positions inshallah. He already knows how to do tasbeeh and how to make dua.

Arts and Crafts
·        Making a Ramadhan calendar and crafts board.
·        Making ramadhan gift goodie packs for friends to give with a little Ramadhan mubarik card along. Adding dates, raisins, almonds, nuts all healthy stuff. Adding miswak too.
·        Making Eid  Mubarik cards for Baba, grandparents and cousins in Pakistan.
·        Painting a kaa’ba.

Learning activities

·        Learning the names of Hijri months from here 
·        Daily sighting of moon and taking a picture every day and pasting it on the calendar. Making a telescope for viewing the moon , i got this idea from this site 
·        Learning the dua of layla-tul-qadr and dua for Aftar. you can check it from from here.
·        Listening to Quran recitation.
·        Books we will be reading in ramadhan are Our creator, Remembering Allah at all times, Doing good deeds, Keeping ourselves clean.
·        Learning the shapes Star and crescent. Coloring, sticking and glue paste activities based on these two shapes.

Kitchen Activities

Hashir will be helping me in kitchen by washing the fruits, cleaning the counter tops, serving the Iftar, setting the dastarkhwan (cloth spread on the floor to eat). He will be my little assistant in the kitchen.

Dates filled with almonds:    Cut dates on one side and remove the seed. Ask the child to fill it with one almond per date and close the date. Serve. Very simple for a toddler to do and enjoy.

May Allah make this Ramadhan a source of our naja'at in hereafter and give us the taufeeq to do good deeds for Him Alone. Ameen.

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