Monday, 19 October 2015

Introduction to Quran and Surah Fatiha

In the first week we will learn about these topics

Introduction to Quran
  1. What is The Quran? Use mini book
  2. Manners of handling the Quran Mushaf
  3. The story of the revelation of the Qura’an ( cave Hirah and the first wahi, pictures of the cave hirah, formation of caves, make a cave and play in it.
Surah Fatiha

  • ·         Use of Aodubillah and Bismallah and there meanings
  • ·         Meaning of Alhamdullilah and its use of occasions
  • ·         Who is Allah? Our Rabb (mini Book from "a muslim child is born")
  • ·         Names of Allah , Rahman, Raheem  (Asma ul husna book)
  • ·         Memorising Surah Fatiha. Listening to its meaning , a short explaination
  • ·  do this learning activity 
  • ·         Benefits of reading surah fatiha. It’s a gift from Allah’ hadith about this surah
  • ·         Watch mini tafsir video of the surah for kids on

Craft          Paint Allah’s name and start memorizing names of Allah

English language

Recite ABC alphabets. Recognize  all capital alphabets through games
Write his name Hashir with foam letters and type name on computer. Print hashir on paper

Maths    Mep maths

Urdu language
Start sauti urdu book and use the website

Arabic  memorize the alphabet rhyme 

Monday, 7 September 2015

A fresh start with Quran

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdullilaah we are starting our learning journey with the Book of Allah. Hashir is  about to turn four years old and is ready to formally start with the tajweed of Quran. Along with tajweed, I intend to start a little  study of each Juz of Quran In sha Allah. The whole purpose of this study will be to develop love of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Our prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu Alihi wa Salam and Quran. I have designed the areas of study according to the understanding and ability of my son at this age. We will be learning about our Rabb by the beautiful Names and attributes of Allah SWT, His Signs and Creations mentioned in Quran. This is how we will go about the study of each Juz weekly
  •     Listening to the recitation of the Juz with brief translation and explanation
  •     Learn about the Names of Allah SWT and His Attributes 
  •    Read about the nations and Prophets AS
  •    Learn about the signs and creations of Allah SWT in nature  through observation and        exploration.
  •    Watch documentaries about the creations of Allah SWT .
  •   Memorizing short Surahs.

Along with the study of Quran we will be doing  Maths and the study of languages Urdu and English  according to the interest and pace of my son. i will keep updating on the progress In Sha Allah. May Allah SWT accept our efforts and put barakah in them and grant us khayr in dunya and akhirah. Ameen.

A Year of Natural learning

Animals in neighbourhood

 Pets at home

learn and play

Observing a butterfly sucking nectar from a flower


Where do all the garbage go? a daily watch of garbage truck.

                  Aquarium.....  Sharks....  why dont they keep whales?

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Nature carnival

While we were learning to keep our environment clean , we got a chance to visit a Nature carnival at Race course park lahore in which many school children took part. It was a good learning experience for us and Hashir enjoyed the colorful stalls prepared and showcased by kids. The main theme was to keep our environment and ourselves clean.

Hashir in a Jungle scene

Junk food and Balance diet

A puppet show on keeping our teeth clean. 
Hashir enjoying watching a young kid's presentation on how to brush

Our homes and city must be clean

Buses are a great source of fascination for him these days.

The waterfall, cactus groove and the ducks at the race course park.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Care of Self

After successfully achieving  our goals of january I have planned some  activities involving the care of self , personal grooming and hygiene in sha Allah. We will continue with our care of environment as to make it part of our daily routine and habits and along with that we will start the following care of self activities.

  • Learning the names of parts of body
  • Learning the names of the fabrics used and clothing items especially the winter clothing items as its winter nowadays.
  • Learning to keep clothes clean while  playing , cleaning and washing hands etc.
  • Learn to dress oneself ( creating a dressing corner)
  • Read the  book 'clothes' and  'keeping ourselves clean' by learn about series
  • Changing Shoes, putting on slippers
  •  learn to use Zip, Velcro, Buttons, Press Studs, Hook & Eye, Lacing
  •  Folding Clothes
  • Blowing Nose & Coughing , sneezing and properly throwing away the tissue
  • Care of Teeth, Nails, & Hair
  • Hand washing
  • Washing face
  • Cleaning  shoes
  • Combing hair
  • Running water in the bath, learning to wash hair and bathing.
  • Hanging up towels after use
  • Hanging a jacket on a low hook
  • Putting clean clothes in a drawer
  • Learning wudhu steps

January : Care of environment activities

Asalaam 0 aliekum. Alhamdulillah we had a busy January , a month full of fun. The weather was cold so most of our activities were indoor. We started the year with taking care of the environment activities .Things mostly went as planned.  I have started labelling things in the room as seen below 

Hashir has started helping in folding laundry. These days he perfectly sorts the laundry items like caps, bibs, handkerchief in different piles and match the socks in pairs. He then put them on their assigned places Ma sha Allah. this has made things easy for me and he love to help me while learning maths skills like sorting and matching. 

He has helped with taking out the peas from the pods a couple of times and now he is bored of the activity so he just plays with the peas and sometimes try to through a bunch full on the floor. 

We did this beading activity with a ribbon which is taped at one end and knotted at the other and here you can see it is so easy to learn to bead for young toddlers.

Stacking the rings

Learning to roll and unroll the mat. We are practicing to use the mat as a work and play area to keep home organized and clean.

Next Insha'Allah we will work on keeping Ourselves clean .

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Care of Environment

We are focusing on learning how to take care of the enviroment in January. I have selected these activities according to his age and the weather as it is cold therefore no activities related to water are added.Following are the practical life activities Hashir is learning this month.

  1. Opening Closing doors, cupboards, drawers without making noise. Correctly handling drawer knobs and handles.
  2. Learn to put away toys and other house hold items on their proper places.
  3. Putting dirty clothes in laundry basket and dirty diaper in  bin.
  4. Help in sorting and folding laundry.
  5. Cleaning spills with cloth, sponge and tissue.
  6. How to carry items from one place to another specially delicate items.
  7. Carrying a tray and mat.
  8. Rolling unrolling mat. Using mat  for work and play.
  9. Opening closing locks.
  10. Hanging clothes on clothes line with a clothes pin
  11. Learning the names of household items.I have started labeling furniture and things in the room.
  12. Help me in making bed, placing pillows correctly and folding his sister Rahmah's small blanket. 
  13. Keeping the room clean at all times :)